Burraco, Kalooki 40, Tressette
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Card games rankings

Score calculation

The rankings of online card games Burraco, Kalooki, Tresette, Gin Rummy and Whist are calculated through tables of Victory Points awarded according to final scores obtained in each game played.
You can view tables of victory points of each card game by clicking on the link below.

The player who leaves the game receives a penalty of -5 victory points.

Poker Hold’em and Chess rankings depend on the won chips (Poker) or on the Elo points score (Chess).

Other ranking tables exist, however they don’t affect the users’ score.

The games played in tournaments of card games burraco, scala40, Poker and Tressette count for the rankings.

Show the Victory Points table
 Buraco 1 vs 1Buraco 2 vs 2
Score differenceVP winning teamVP losing teamVP winning teamVP losing team
over 10005-46-4

Monthly ranking of Buraco

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